It is officially that time of year again! I love the holidays if only because I can do some major guilt-free indulgence before crashing back down to reality in January! This recipe is in honor of my father who absolutely loves chocolate covered cherries! The macadamia nuts provide a real nice twist to this candy that makes it a huge hit!
It all starts with maraschino cherries. You can either make your own or simply buy them at your local grocery store. I opted for a brandy soaked version because – hey, why not?
In order to get that nice hard candy shell you are going to have to tempur your chocolate. Now before you start getting sweaty palms, let me assure you – tempuring chocolate is an incredibly easy task. And once you learn how to do it, you will become addicted. I used the left over chocolate in this recipe to coat some raisins and hazelnuts!
It all starts with chopping some good quality chocolate. I would provide you with a lesson on tempuring chocolate but I just don’t think I could describe it as well and as eloquently as my friends over at Check out their recipe on tempuring chocolate without the use of a thermometer here.
After tempuring your chocolate the rest is easy peasy… just dip your cherries in the chocolate, lay them on a sheet of parchment paper and sprinkle with some chopped macadamia nuts…. and viola you have chocolate covered cherries sprinkled with macadamia nuts! A delicious candy that you can make for you next holiday party.
Live to Eat!!
- 4 oz Chopped Chocolate 60%-70% Cocoa
- 24 Maraschino Cherrries
- ½ Cup Macadamia Nuts
- Chop macadamia nuts in a food processor and set aside.
- Chop chocolate into fine bits.
- Set aside ⅓ of chocolate for seeding (see how to tempur chocolate here).
- Melt ⅔ chopped chocolate over a double boiler until completely liquidized - should sting slightly when touched to lower lip.
- Remove chocolate from heat and place on a cold towel or in an ice bath briefly to stop cooking process.
- Place bowl of chocolate on a sturdy surface and slowly add remaining ⅓ chocolate while stirring (this is called seeding the chocolate).
- Continue to seed your chocolate until the temperature is slightly lower than your body temperature (touch chocolate to lower lip, should feel slightly cool).
- Dip cherries in chocolate and place on a baking sheet covered in parchment paper.
- Quickly sprinkle macadamia nuts onto chocolate before it hardens.
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